The Bar reviewer /

The Bar reviewer / compiled and edited by Arturo M. Tolentino. - x, 644 pages 24 cm.

It has been gratifying to note that the past editions of this book have been of very great help to candidates for the bar. We have received letters of thanks from many successful candidates who frankly attribute their passing the examinations, to a large extent, to their having used such editions. This can be explained by the fact that there is always a tendency on the part of bar examiners, even if unconsciously, to ask the questions that have already been asked in previous examinations, pershaps not in exactly identical form, but at least in substance. Hence, the usefulness of this book. It is this help that we are able to afford, even in a small way, to future brothers in the profession that have impelled us to make a complete revision of this work. The revision has also been rendered necessary by the approval of the new Civil Code. This new code has introduced changes, not only in civil law, but also in commercial law, remedial law, and even in international law and criminal law. The past bar examination questions, therefore, are now answered in the present edition in the light of the provisions of the new Civil Code. On the other hand, bar questions which can no longer be asked because the pertinent provisions of the old Civil Code have been repealed, have been suppressed from this edition. --Preface of the book.

Law --

KE 5624 / .B230 1950