Man & the automobile, a twentieth-century love affair.

Jackson, Judith.

Man & the automobile, a twentieth-century love affair. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c1979. - 222 p.: ill. 30 cm.

Ther Rattletrap Ancestors , A splendid Carriage ,Adventure on Four Wheels , Tha Car at War , The Age of Elegance ,The Hollywood Image, The Racers , Motoring for the Masses , The Young Idea , The Exhibtionist on Wheels , Playboy Specials , Auto Environment , Enthusists , Milestones in M otoring , Index .

Seeks to portray man's changing relationship with the motor car over th years , from its early days as a toy of the rich and status symbol of th e powerful it has now become the necessary tool ogf the business men and travellers , sportsmen and adventurers the world over .


R TL 15 J34 1979