The Great scientists

Farndon, John.

The Great scientists John Farndon and Alex Woolf, Anne Rooney, Liz Gogerly. - 160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm.

Table of contents includes: Euclid --
Archimedes --
Hipparchus & Claudius Ptolemy --
The Medieval Arab scientists --
Leonardo da Vinci --
Nicolas Copernicus --
Andreas Vesalius --
Galileo Galilei --
Christiaan Huygens --
Anton van Leeuwenhoek --
Robert Hooke --
Sir Isaac Newton --
Carolus Linnaeus --
James Hutton --
Antoine Lavoisier --
John Dalton --
Michael Faraday --
Charles Babbage --
Charles Darwin --
Louis Pasteur --
Gregor Mendel --
Dmitri Mendeleyev --
James Clerk Maxwell --
Max Planck --
Marie Curie --
Ernest Rutherford --
Albert Einstein --
Alfred Wegener --
Niels Bohr --
Edwin Hubble --
Werner Heisenberg --
Linus Pauling --
The DNA team, Francis Crick, James Watson and Rosalind Franklin --
Stephen Hawking.

"The Great Scientists. From skyscrapers to jet aircraft, from mobile phones to computers, the products of modern science surround us on all sides. Perhaps the most significant product of science, however, is not the microwave, or the space station or the widescreen TV; it is the scientific method itself, and it is hardly an exaggeration to state that those societies that have actively embraced this method have flourished; those societies that have preferred instead to rely on superstition, witchcraft and religion have failed. The men and women who appear in The Great Scientists have all excelled in their chosen field of sciences: some have excelled across a range of scientific areas, while still others can, with some justification, claim to be the founders of their own disciplines."



Q 141 / .F23 2005