Encyclopedia of bioethics. /

Reich, Warren T

Encyclopedia of bioethics. / Warren T. Reich, editor in chief. - New York : Free Press, c1978. - v, 28cm.

Contains:1 concrete Ethical and Legal Problems -deals with specific normative questions.(The Therapeutic Relationship, and Codes of Professional Ethics ). 2 Basic Concepts and Principles which are underlying concepts that clarify of give shape to ethical attitudes and positions in Bioethics,e.g.health and disease,pain and suffering,life,death in Eastern and Western thought,and paternalism. 3 Ethical Theories Concerns on the systematic philosophical methods of viewing the moral life and of accpunting for what is good and right in human conduct . 4 Religious Traditions - embodies beliefs and and principles that are applicable to problems in bioethics.5 Historical Perspectives - lists 97,000 -word entry on the history of medical ethics . 6 Dsciplines Bearing on Bioethics - has entries on philosophy of biology, the anthropology of medicine,the philosophy of medicine,the sociology of medicine and the sociology of science.


Bioethics -- Encyclopedia
Medical ethics -- Encyclopedias