The electrician's troubleshooting and testing pocket guide /

Traister, John E.

The electrician's troubleshooting and testing pocket guide / John E. Traister, H. Brooke Staffer. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c2000. - ix, 293 p. ill. 16 cm.

Rev. ed. of : The electrician's testing and troubleshooting pocket guide. John E. Traister. 1996.

Discusses the four basic faults of most operational problems of electrical equipment and systems, which are short circuit, ground fault, open circuit, and change in electrical value. Describes troubleshooting techniques to identify such problems using portable field-testing instruments, with emphasis on digital multimeters (DMMs). Includes new chapter on troubleshooting power quality problems. Concentrates on traditional electromechanical and inductive equipment found in commercial and industrial occupancies equipment such as motors, transformers, and lighting.


Electric apparatus and appliances
Electric circuit analysis
Electric motors
Electric testing