Materials handbook : an encyclopedia for managers, technical professionals, purchasing and production managers, technicians, and supervisors /

Brady, George S.

Materials handbook : an encyclopedia for managers, technical professionals, purchasing and production managers, technicians, and supervisors / George S. Brady, Henry R. Clauser, John A. Vaccari. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c1997. - viii, 1136 p. 23 cm.

Part 1 . Materials - Their Properties and Uses (Encyclopedic Descriptions of MInerals,Chemicals,Engineering and Industrial Materials,and Plant and Animal Substances ),Part 2. Structure and Properties of Materials (Definitions and Reference Charts Tables ) The Structure of matter and materials ,Waves and colors as material elements , Property of flavor in materials ,Fundamentals of biotic materials , Units of measure , Physical and mechanical properties .

selected, processed materials and patented and trade named materials are then described to give a more specific understanding of commercial applications. "In Materials Handbook" Excerpt from the tenth edition, John A.Vaccari. All materials, infinite in possible numbers, derive from only 92 natural elements. It is as basically simple as that, but the varying forms and usages are so intertwined in all industries that a person can have no real comprehension of the characteristics and economics of any one of the materials he procures for his own unless he has an intelligent overall grasp of its varying froms and usages. General information, with the most commonly accepted comparative figures, is given on materials in their group classifications in order to give a general picture

