
Literacy. - London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1997.

and the new literacy studies and critical literacy which emphasize social aspects of reading and writing . Allan Luke also focuses on critical approaches to literacy which have emerged in response to rapidly changing demographies , cultures ,technologies and economies . Elsa Roberts Auerbach looks at the role of parents in children's literacy acquisistion and academic achievement ,while Allan Rogers examines promotion of reading and writing skills among adults.The assumption that the move towards standard , national or official languages is a necessary condition for the spread of literacy is challenged by RK Agnihotri . Section 1 considers issues and developments in what Kenneth Goodman in his review of the reading process has characterized as the "word recognition " and the " meaning construction " views of reading.G.Brian Thompson continues this theme in his review of the teaching of reading , from historical and contemporary perspectives . Bridie Raban considers the range of skills associated with emergent reading while William Tunmer focuses more specifically on the role of metalinguistic skills in reading development .Marie M. Clay , discussed small proportion of cases on problems which emerge in the first year of school persist throughout formal education .Viv Edwards discusses another special situation,the teaching of reading in the multilingual classrooms which are now a feature of many city schools throughout the world.Section 3 focuses on social aspects of literacy .John Edwards points out in his review of the social psychology of reading,teachers do not merely want to produce people who can read but people who are readers.Ludo Verhoeven gives an overview of the functional model of literacy which emphasizes the demands of literacy in a complex world,particularly in relation to employment and the economy.Brian Street critiques three current approaches to literacy: the autonomous model which emphasizes cognitive skills and present literacy as a neutral technique that can be universally applied