Baker's student encyclopedia of music. /

Kuhn, Laura

Baker's student encyclopedia of music. / Laura Kuhn. - New York : Schirmer Books, c1999. - ill. 26 cm.

Features:biographies of classical ,folk,pop,rock,and jazz musicians,time lines for key composers,classical and popular compositions from symphonies to pop songs,musical instruments,facts and interesting anecdotes about music,comprehensive index in all three volumesand illustrations including three full-color inserts.

Provides information on historical figures like John Cage, Claude Debussy, Frederic Chopin , Sergei Rachmaninoff ,Eric Clapton , Sun Ra , Marvin Gaye Ice Cube. R.E.M. and Public Enemy . Includes musical styles ,genres , terms ----counterpoint ,chromaticism , atonality , sonata form , rock ,jazz ,reggae , hip-hop , rap , New Age .

