Encounters: De La Salle at Parmenie /

Burkhard, Leo

Encounters: De La Salle at Parmenie / Leo Burkhard. - Illinois : Christian Brothers National Office, c 1983.

Contents: Introduction: My Encounter with Parmenie Prologue: The Early History of Parmenie Charpter I: Sister Louise Comes to Parmenie Chapter II: Was Louise a Religious Sister? Chapter III: John Baptist de La Salle Comes to Parmenie Chapter IV: Unresolved Questions Concerning De La Salle at Parmenie Chapter V: Clause Dulac (Brother Irenee) Comes to Parmenie Epilogue: The History of Parmenie After Sister Louise

The purpose of this volume is to provide an English speaking audience an introduction to the history of Parmenie and its significance for the life journey of John Baptist de la Salle and the Institute of Brothers that he founded. The introduction to each chapter identifies the material that is a translation of the Burkard book and the supplementary material added by Salm.