Light from the old arch. /

Rotor, Abercio V.

Light from the old arch. / Abercio Valdez Rotor. - [Manila] : UST Pub. House, c2001. - 213 p. : ill. 16*20 cm.

In this present collection of essays, the author expectedly takes a further step.He exhibit his multi-faceted creative outburst in poetry, he seems to tell us more poignantly this time that each of us is gifted naturally with a logotherapic eye. This work touching on nature's various aspects affecting human life, flora et fauna, covers a wide area of nature's relation to man in the process of globalization or towards it. On a wide scale, God's will prevails in every aspect of man's intuitive power to harness its potential for survival is poetically expresses in the work.


Philippine essays (English)