Counselor preparation 1999-2001 : programs, faculty, trends.

Counselor preparation 1999-2001 : programs, faculty, trends. - Philadelphia : Accelerated Development, [19--]-

Description based on: 1999-2001. 1996-1998, 1999-2001 by J.W. Hollis.

(Programs,accreditation,Faculty academic strength and clinical exoeriments for students,Credetialing of counselors as practioners,Areas of specialization),Part B - Entry level counselor preparation programs (Community and agency counseling preparation,Marriage and family /Therapist preparation,Mental health counselor preaparation,Rehabilitation counsel preparation,School counselor preparation,Student affairs area preparation,Other entry level programs). Part C - Doctoral level counselor preparation programs (Counselor education and supervision doctoral level preparation,Marriage and family coiunseling/Therapy doctoral level programs,Rehabilitation counseling doctoral level program,Studehnt affairs areas doctoral level program,Counseling psychology and other doctoral programs) Part D - What is...What may be! (Uniqueness,similarities,and trends). Part E - Data on each department and its programs. Contains information which prepares counselors for various settings and clientele. Offers comparative data for administrative decisions, and paves way for comprehensive means to evaluate an American instituition's ability to meet individual academic needs and career goals. Contents: Part A - Structural influences on counselor preparation programs

Student counselors