Manual of forensic medicine for doctors, police officers, lawyers and nurses /

Mestri, Shashidhar C.

Manual of forensic medicine for doctors, police officers, lawyers and nurses / Shashidhar C. Mestri. - New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers / Medical Publishers, c2003. - 158 p. : ill. 23 cm.

Artifical insemination Proformas Autopsy in AIDS cases and radiation death Consumer protection act and the medical profession Custody deaths DNA finger printing Estimation of time since death Examination of a delivered female and issue of delivery certficate Examination of age Examination of alcohol intoxication case Examination of skeletal remains Examination of victim and accused in sex crimes Exhumation Glossary of legal terms Investigation and treatment of some common poison Investigation of operation theatre deaths Issue of medico legal certificates Legal procedures Management and medicolegal aspects of poisoning cases Mass disaster Mechanical asphyxia Mechanical, thermal, and bomb explosion injuries in brief Medical laws and ethics Medicolegal aspects of sterilisation operations and MTP Act of 1971 Medicolegal aspectsof nursing care Medicolegal autopsy (Post Mortem) Miscellaneous. Regional injuries in brief Role of a doctor in "scene of crime" investigation Scene of crime investigation by investigating team Some standard opinions Weights and measurements of organs in adults Covers information on the topics that are of practical importance, specially to those in the medical and related professions. Features question and answer format for easy understanding. Also contains certain relevant laws and chapters on custody death, poisoning cases, scene of crime investigation and DNA fingerprinting. Contents: Handling medicolegal cases


Forensic medidine

R RA 1051 .M564 2003