The Facts on File encyclopedia of word and phrase origins /

Hendrickson, Robert, -1933

The Facts on File encyclopedia of word and phrase origins / Robert Hendrickson - New York, N.Y. : Facts on File, 2004 - ix, 822 p. 29 cm.

Features words and phrases derived from classical sources, a larger selection of up-to-date slang origins recording "the living language of the day", and a unique sample of interesting English words and phrases that originated in the 200 or some countries, other than the United States and Great Britain, where English is spoken as an official language.Ex.Backslider,Bantam,Barbie Doll,Blackout,Boys of the Bulldog Breed,Butter Up,Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,Darn,Give Someone acold Desk,Hubbub,Knock Them in the Aisles,Midsummer Madness,Pelican in the Wilderness,Pyrrhic Victory,Sham,Stuffed Shirt,Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth.


English language
English language

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