Chips /

Scott, William Henry

Chips / William Henry Scott. - 69 pages ; 22 cm.

the prose in their original serial publications and the verse when I met William Henry Scott for the first time. I had been asked by Sedfrey A. Ordoñez to give a professional reading of it before the Marcos deportation board that was trying to make up its mind whether or not to deport Scotty. I helped make up its mind not to. Small in scale these essays may be but they're strong medicine: strong medicine, I call them, like Philip Larkin's poetry. The chips fall all the way from Sagada and they fall on everyone, everywhere, both highland and low. Let the chips fall where they may. Ang tamaan huwag magalit. A chip off the old block. Small chip--big bite/byte. I had read most of these "little articles", including the Christmas Sonnet 1972, before


Philippine essays (English).

PS 9993 / .Sc86 1987