The other face of imperialism : yes, Virgie, makulit din ang kaliwa /

Abaya, Antonio C.

The other face of imperialism : yes, Virgie, makulit din ang kaliwa / Antonio C. Abaya. - 18 pages 22 c.m.

One of the favorite axioms of Marxism-Leninism is that imperialism is the inevitable outcome and the highest stage of capitalism, and to hear Marxist-Leninists rant and rave about it, one would think that imperialism was invented by the Americans or is the private preserve of capitalism. This is a naive and self-serving reading of history. imperialism, defined as the tendency of strong and powerful countries to impose their will on smaller, weaker ones, is as old as recorded history. This is a historical fact that transcends all races and all ideologies and all religions. Neither nationalism nor Marxism nor Christianity has moderated the greed or rapacity or arrogance of a country at the apogee of its power. Every dominant nation tends to behave with arrogance in direct proportion to its military and economic might and weaker ones sometimes have few options other than to bargain for better terms for the privilege of being stepped on. Hungry and Taiwan are successful examples of how to make the most out of a less-than-ideal situation. --From the first page


HX 755 / .Ab18 1987