Prayers of the senators VI.

Prayers of the senators VI. - 74 pages 19 cm.

Opening Prayers delivered on the Senate during the Third Regular Session from January 3, to June 7, 1990.

man looks at appearances but God looks at the heart" (1Samuel 16:7) May these prayers helps us to see the more warmly human side of our Senators and lead us to effective solidarity with them. May we all be involved with the spirit of prayer in every moment of our lives for "we are taller when we kneel or bow." And may the loving God in his compassion listen to our prayers and grant our people wisdom, courage and consolation especially in these critical times of our national history. --From the foreword If media reports were to be the only basis for forming an image of the Senators, one might think that the legislature is inhabited by men and women whose thoughts and aspirations are set on little else than public affairs and secular matters. The present collection of prayers largely intended to open sessions of the Senate belies such an impression and gives us a glimpse (fleeting though it may be) of the religious faith which inspires the hearts of our Senators. "God does not see as man sees


BV 228 / .P898 1990