Adventures in a forgotten country /

Polotan, Kerima

Adventures in a forgotten country / Kerima Polotan ; with an introduction by Edith L. Tiempo ; illustraed by Dani Reyes. - x, 212 pages : illustrations 23 cm.

Kerima Polotan is Mrs Juan C. Tuvera in private life, and the readers of this book are not likely to forget that little item after having read the memorable Part Two, entitled "Notes on Domenticity and Other Exotica," where, in many of the articles, we find home and husband, children and grandma, and various bizarre and loving animals all looming vast and playful in their candid primordial world Still, Kerima's concern is most of all the human being caught in his teetery postures of divinity and absurdity, so that she is led beyond the adventures of the self and family and individual people and into the larger explorations of the social conscience. But no matter by what approach she stalks the human quarry, whether it is by travel, retrospection, or the dissecting of paunches and bureaucrats and fashion plates and women's didoes, the reader discovers that while the author held the pen in one hand she has kept the other firmly on the pulse of life. In fact it is life that effervesces, streams, and spills over in these pages as the author re-creates the journeys that begin in her lush backyard and take her to Legazpi and Cebu and Zamboanga and to New Delhi and Persepolis and Vermont, always exploring, discovering, exposing, often just wondering and wishing and sometimes weeping in the secret spaces between the words where eloquence is finally rendered speechless. --From the introduction


PL 5539.P6 / .P642 1975