Sepang Loca & others /

Bonifacio, Amelia Lapeña

Sepang Loca & others / Amelia Lapeña-Bonifacio. - 296 pages : illustrations 24 cm.

It is with some degree of trepidation, nay reluctance, that I go back to the finished work which constitute this volume. As the playwright Lillian Hellman once wrote, "communion with what was ended is unhealthy for if you returned too often to what you had already done, you might come to like it and yourself too well or dislike it or yourself too much," I also agree with her that work of many years ago are as far away as childhood and that your chance was ahead and not behind. --From the preface


Philippine fiction (English).
Philippine literature (English).

PL 5539.B66 / .Se61 1981