Great books of the Western World /

Great books of the Western World / Robert Maynard Hutchins, editor in chief. - Chicago, University of Chicago and Encyclopædia Britannica, 1952. - Volume : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. - Great books of the western world .

Each volume has special title page.

1.The great conversation. The substance of a liberal education / Robert M. Hutchins -- 2. The great ideas. A syntopicon of great boks of the western world I -- 3. The great ideas. A syntopicon of great boks of the western world II -- 4.The Iliad of Homer and The Odyssey -- 5.Aeschylus. Sophocles. Euripides. Aristophanes -- 6. The History of Herodotus. The history of the Peloponnesian war Thucydides -- 7.The dialogues of Plato – 8. The works of Aristotle I -- 9. The works of Aristotle II -- 10.Hippocritic writings on the natural faculties / Galen -- 11. The thirteen books of Euclid’s elements. The works of Archimedes including the method. On conic sections / Appollonius of Perga. Introduction to arithmetic / Nicomachus of Gerasa -- 12. Lucretius on the nature of things. The discourses of Epictetus. The meditations of Marcus Aurelius -- 13. The poems of Virgil -- 14. The lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans / Plutarch.--15.The annals and the histories / P. Cornelius Tacitus -- 16. The Almagest / Ptolemy. On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres / Nicolaus Copernicus. Epitome of Copernican astronomy: IV and V. The Harmonies of the world V / Johannes Kepler -- 17. Plotinus. The six Enneads -- 18. The confesions. The city of God. On Christian Doctrines / Saint Augustine -- 19-20. The Summa Theologica / Saint Thomas Aquinas -- 21. Dante -- 22. Troilus and Cressida and The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer -- 23. The Prince / Machiavelli. Leviathan, or matter, form and power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and civil / Thomas Hobbes -- 24. Gargantua and Pantagruel / Francois Rabelais -- 25. The Essays of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne -- 26-27. The play and Soonets of William Shakespeare Volume I and II -- 28. On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies / William Gilbert. Concerning Two New Science / Galileo Galileo. On the Motion of the heart and blood in animals. On the circulation of the blood. On the generation of animals / William Harvey -- 29. The history od Don Quixote dela Mancha / Miguel de Cervantes -- 30. Advancement of learning. Novum Organum. New Atlantis / Sir Francis Bacon -- 31.Rules for the direction of the mind. Discourse on the method. Meditations on first philosophy. Objections against the meditations and replies. The geometry / Rene Descartes. Ethics / Spinoza -- 32. English Minor Poems. Paradise Lost. Samson Agonistes. Areopagitica / John Milton -- 33. The provincial letters. Pesees. Scientific treaties / Blaise Pascal -- 35. A Letter concerning toleration ; Concerning civil government, second essay ; An essay concerning human understanding / John Locke. The Principles of human knowledge / George Berkeley. An Enquiry concerning human understanding / David Hume -- 36. Gulliver’s travels/ Jonathan Swift. Tristam Shandy / Laurence Sterne -- 37. The History of Tom Jones : a foundling / Henry Fielding -- 39. An inquiry ; Into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations / Adam Adam Smith -- 40-41. The decline and fall of the Roman empire Volume I and II / Edward Gibbon --42. The critique of pure reason ; The critique of practical reason and other ethical treaties ; The critique of judgement / Immanuel Kant -- 43. American state papers. The Federalist / Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. On libery. Representative governement. Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill -- 44. Life of Samuel Johndon / James Boswell -- 45. Elements of chemistry / Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Analytical theory of heat / Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. Experiemtnal researches in electricity / Michael Faraday --46. The philosophy of right ; The philosophy of history / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- 47. Faust : parts one and two Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- 48. Moby Dick ; or the Whale / Herman Melville -- 49. The origin of species by means of natural selection ; The descent of man and selection in relation to sex / Charles Darwin -- 50. Capital by Karl Marx. Manifesto of the communist party / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- 53. The Principles of psychology / William James.



AC 1 / .G798 1952