Under the stacks /

Hofileña, Saul.

Under the stacks / Saul Hofileña, Jr. - 460 p. : ill. 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 397-431) and index.

UNDER THE STACKS SAUL HOFILEñA JR. Some of the essays in this book are packed with historical dynamite . . . this is precisely what we need to rouse the dead souls among us from their conial stupor. -Carmen Guerrero Nakpil Writer and former Chairman of the National Historical Commission The author's opus has performed real service to the historical profession and deserves praise. The whole book is painstakingly researched, skillfully organized, and clearly written. Clear prose is a virtue in our time when much writing is jargon-ridden and pedestrian. Lucid in its presentation and thoughtfully argued, the collection of studies provides the reader with interesting vignettes. The high quality of the author's narrative is best expressed in the topics which are examined and analyzed in their proper perspective. Each subject of historical discussion is provided with a bibliography which shows primary and secondary sources by outstanding Filipino and foreign scholars. It is hoped that the author continues to tread the road that he has so ably blazed. The net result of his enormous and painstaking effort can interlace the many neglected subjects of Philippine studies into a meaningful piece of tapestry. _Dr. Serafin D. Quiason Former Director of the National Library of the Philippines and former Chairman and Executive Director of the National Historical Institute Foreword by the National Artist F. Sionil Jose


DS 668 / .H676 2011