Discernments : literary essays, cultural critiques and book reviews /

Galaan, Ralph Semino.

Discernments : literary essays, cultural critiques and book reviews / Ralph Semino Galán. - xv, 99 pages 23 cm.

...what distinguishes Galán's literary and hybrid style of critique is its well-conducted deployment of sly techniques of sublating the creative-critical and the theoretical, subsuming, without overpowering, the creative and theoretical aspects into the primary or governing function of critique. In the context of local art and cultural criticism, and in comparison to some other, equally, refreshing voices in this realm who bring the theoretical and/or creative into their critical practice, Galán's modality of delivery makes the theoretical material new" even if it should already be familiar or old material for some" (From "Styling Criticism: An Introduction", Oscar V. Campones, 2013).


Philippine essays (English)

PL 5539.G34 / .G131 2013