Encyclopaedia of education /

Dash, B. N.

Encyclopaedia of education / B. N. Dash. - 5 volume 22 cm

vol. 1 : History of education. -- vol. 2 : Theories of education and education in emerging society. -- vol. 3 : Trends and issues in education. -- vol. 4 : Psychology of teaching-learning process. -- vol. 5 : History of education.

Contents VOLUME I. History of Education Preface. 1. Vedic education. 2. Post Vedic education. 3. Education in the age of epics. 4. The concept of four Purusarthas Dharma Artha Kama and Mokshya according to Indian Cultural Heritage. 5. Buddhist education. 6. Education in Maurayan Gupta and Harsha Period. 7. Ancient seats of learning. 8. Education in medieval India. 9. Education in British India. 10. The Anglicists Orientalists controversy. 11. Wood's Education Despatch 1854. 12. Report of Hunter Commission (1882). 13. Second phase a period of intensive agitation (1902 1918). 14. Third phase a period of experiment (1918 1950). 15. A decade of provincial autonomy 1937 47. 16. Development of Indian education during the post independent period. 17. Constitutional provisions regarding education. 18. Universalisation of primary education. 19. Development of secondary education in the post independent period. 20. Development of university education in Pre-independent period. 21. Development of university education in the post independent period. 22. The education of teachers. 23. The education of women. 24. Towards development of a national system. Bibliography. VOLUME II. Theories of Education and Education in Emerging Society Preface. I. Concept of education 1. Meaning of education. 2. Function of education. 3. Aims of education. 4. Factors influencing aims of education. 5. Values oriented education. II. Philosophy of education 6. Philosophy and education. 7. Idealism in education. 8. Naturalism in education. 9. Pragmatism in education. 10. Perennialism in education. 11. Essentialism in education. 12. Progressivism in education. 13. Existentialism and education. III. Personalities in education 14. Rabindra Nath Tagore (1861 1941). 15. Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869 1948). 16. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872 1950). 17. Gopabandhu Das (1877 1928). 18. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 1778). 19. John Dewey (1859 1952). IV. Channels of learning 20. Agencies of education. 21. National system of education. 22. Salient recommendations of Education Commission in post independent India. 23. Equality of educational opportunity. 24. Education for all. 25. Education for national development and reconstruction. V. Education in emerging Indian society 26. Curriculum. 27. Education and social change. 28. Education and modernization. 29. Education for the promotion of national integration. 30. Education for international peace and understanding. 31. Population education. 32. Democracy and education. 33. Education and socialism. 34. Education and secularism. 35. Constitutional provisions regarding education. 36. The school as the centre of community life. 37. Vocationalization of secondary education. 38. Tribal education. 39. Adult education. 40. Socially useful productive work. 41. Education for environment protection and pollution control. 42. The teacher and professional growth. 43. Art and aesthetic education. Bibliography. VOLUME III. Trends and Issues in Education Preface. 1. Education and the Constitution of India. 2. Universalization of elementary education issues and initiatives. 3. Non formal education in the context of U.E.E. 4. Adult education in the context of U.E.E. 5. Equality of educational opportunity. 6. Education for all. 7. Administration supervision and control in education. 8. School supervision its meaning nature scope and objectives. 9. Centre state relationship in education. 10. Educational organizations in India. 11. The school plant. 12. School complex or educational complex. 13. Institutional planning. 14. Organizational structure of educational administration a case study of Orissa. 15. Teacher education. 16. Educational technology. 17. Communication process. 18. Mass media in education. 19. Micro teaching. 20. Programmed learning. 21. Projected and non projected audio visual aids. 22. Design of instruction. 23. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). 24. Curriculum. 25. Evaluation of student's learning. 26. Diagnostic evaluation and remedial ins.

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