The Zohar /

The Zohar / by Rav Shimon bar Yochai from the book of Avraham ; with the Sulam commentary by Rav Yehuda Ashlag ; edited and compiled by Michael Berg. - 23 volume 26 cm.

Right-hand binding. The first ever unabridged English translation with commentary.

av. 1. Prologue. Beresheet A -- v. 2. Beresheet B. Noach -- v. 3. Lech lecha. Vayera -- v. 4. Chayei Sarah. Toldot -- v. 5. Vayetze. Vayishlach -- v. 6. Vayeshev. Miketz. Vayigash -- v. 7. Vayechi -- v. 8. Shemot. Vaera -- v. 9. Bo. Beshalach -- v. 10. Yitro. Mishpatim -- v. 11. Trumah. Safra. Det'zniuta -- v. 12. Tetzaveh. Ki tisa. Vayak'hel -- v. 13. Pekudei -- v. 14. Vayikra. Tzav. Shmini -- v. 15. Tazria. Metzora. Acharei mot -- v. 16. Kedoshim. Emor. Behar. Bechukotai -- v. 17. Bemidbar. Naso. Beha'alot'cha -- v. 18. Shlach lecha. Korach. Chukat -- v. 19. Balak -- v. 20. Pinchas A -- v. 21. Pinchas B. Matot -- v. 22. Vaetchanan. Ekev. Shoftim. Ki tetzeh. Vayelech. Ha'azinu -- v. 23. Index.

Zohar is a spiritual text that explains the secrets of the Bible, the Universe and every aspect of life. Composed by kabbalist Rav Shimon bar Yochai, the Zohar defies definition. On a physical level, the Zohar is a set of twenty-three books, a commentary on biblical and spiritual matters in the form of conversations among spiritual masters. It is a voluminous guidebook to the lost divine nature of our souls. It is a compendium of virtually all information pertaining to the universe-information that science is only beginning to verify today. Its vast and comprehensive commentary on biblical matters has captivated spiritual and intellectual giants for over two millennia.

1571890769 (v. 1);1571890777 (v. 2);1571890920 (v. 3);1571891560 (v. 4);1571891579 (v. 5);1571891587 (v. 6);1571891595 (v. 7);1571891625 (v. 8);1571891633 (v. 9);1571891641 (v. 10);157189165X (v. 11);1571891668 (v. 12);1571891854 (v. 13);1571891862 (v. 14);1571891870 (v. 15);1571891889 (v. 16);1571891897 (v. 17);1571891900 (v. 18);1571891838 (v. 19);1571891714 (v. 20);1571891978 (v. 21);1571891986 (v. 22);1571892184 (v. 23)


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