Philippine main education highway towards a knowldege-based economy

Philippine main education highway towards a knowldege-based economy - xxii, 383pages : illustrations 23 cm.

and, financial assistance to private education and budgetary appropriations to SUCs. harmonize the technical, vocational and higher education systems improve teacher competencies and faculty development management, regulatory and coordination issues of the three education agencies of government tightening higher education-industry linkage to achieve a better match between the requirements of industry and the skills/competencies acquired by students upgrade and update professional licensure examinations to respond to the continuing rapid changes in the practice of professions This book is a product of the collective of efforts of numerous people, organizations and institutions from both the private and public sectors. It is a work anchored on the concerted and at times opposing perspectives that shed light on which path the whole Philippine education sector should traverse towards a globally comparable education culture while infusing the fundamentals of knowledge-based society to human resource pool and its generations to come. It aims to: improve the quality of basic education, increasing student achievement, and improving retention rate towards a zero drop-out rate

Education, Higher
Education, Higher--Philippines.

LC 2610 / .P538 2008