TY - BOOK AU - Duhamel,Denise AU - Lehmann,David TI - The best American poetry, 2013 SN - 9781476708133 AV - PS 615 .B464 2013 PY - 2013/// CY - New York PB - Scribner Poetry KW - American poetry N1 - Divine; Kim Addonizio --; Pachyderm; Sherman Alexie --; Stupid sandwich; Nathan Anderson --; The art of drinking tea; Nin Andrews --; Resisting arrest; John Ashbery --; Books, bath towels, and beyond; Wendy Barker --; Youngest known savior; Jan Beatty --; The unfinished slave; Bruce Bond --; Dear Thanatos; Traci Brimhall --; Hustle; Jericho Brown --; Five one-minute eggs; Andrei Codrescu --; Foundling; Billy Collins --; [white paper 24]; Martha Collins --; Death; Kwame Dawes --; Divestiture; Connie Deanovich --; Apologies from the ground up; Timothy Donnelly --; The statue of responsibility; Stephen Dunn --; This need not be a comment on death; Daisy Fried --; Womanishness; Amy Gerstler --; Afterword; Louise Gluck --; Henry's song; Beckian Fritz Goldberg --; New Jersey poem; Terrance Hayes --; Book of forget; Rebecca Hazelton --; Thanatosis; Elizabeth Hazen --; Green man, blue pill; John Hennessy --; All-American; David Hernandez --; Wrong question; Tony Hoaglan --; A parable; Anna Maria Hong --; Why I write poetry; Major Jackson --; George W. Bush; Mark Jarman --; It's hard as so much is; Lauren Jensen --; Blazing saddles; A. Van Jordan --; Syria; Lawrence Joseph --; Wedding night : we share an heirloom tomato on our hotel balcony overlooking the ocean in which Natalie Wood drowned; Anna Journey --; Perspective; Laura Kasischke --; When the men go off to war; Victoria Kelly --; Pink is the navy blue of India; David Kirby --; Aphids; Noelle Kocot --; Eggheads; John Koethe --; Poem for Anne Sexting; Dorothea Lasky --; Song; Dorianne Laux --; I take your t-shirt to bed again; Amy Lemmon --; Outline for my memoir; Thomas Lux --; Once upon a time; Anthony Madrid --; XX; Sally Wen Mao --; My lie; Jen McClanaghan --; January 17; Campbell McGrath --; In praise of small gods; Jesse Millner --; Psalm to be read with closed eyes; D. Nurske --; New Year; Ed Ochester --; Birthday poem; Paisley Rekdal --; Endpapers; Adrienne Rich --; Lake sonnet; Anne Marie Rooney --; Intro to happiness; J. Allyn Rosser --; Little golf pencil; Mary Ruefle --; Chelsea/suicide; Maureen Seaton --; Sotto voce : Othello unplugged; Tim Seibles --; Trailing clouds of glory; Vijay Seshadri --; Western civilization; Peter Jay Shippy --; Joe Adamczyk; Mitch Sisskind --; What it feels like to be Aaron Smith; Aaron Smith --; Introductions; Stephanie Strickland --; On writing; Adrienne Su --; The baby; James Tate --; Florida poem; Emma Trelles --; From Peyton Place : a Haiku Soap Opera, season two, 1965-1966; David Trinidad --; 1945; Jean Valentine --; Now I'll never be able to finish that poem to Bob; Paul Violi --; Casting aspersions; David Wagoner --; The kind of man I am at the DMV; Stacey Waite --; Sugar maples, January; Richard Wilbur --; It can feel amazing to be targeted by a narcissist; Angela Veronica Wong and Amy Lawless --; Where the hero speaks to others; Wendy Xu --; Wintering; Kevin Young --; Albert Einstein; Matthew Zapruder ER -